Jennifer says:
We all know the question: what came first, the chicken or the egg? Today, the first day of the year, I’m contemplating which comes first: does joy lead to spontaneity, or does being spontaneous lead to joy?
This question came about as I was reading over my note books; I keep several, and other blogs and online newsletters I follow. The overall theme of each one was New Year’s resolutions and how to keep them. I must confess that my new year’s resolutions have been essentially the same for the past four years or so. That’s a bummer. Not only are they the same year after year, but I’m pretty much in the same spot as I was four years ago. Stagnant is not how I want to be.
In one of the articles I read, the author actually does not suggest setting resolutions, at least in the traditional sense. Her advice is more like concentrating on the things one would like to accomplish and the type of person one wishes to become. I like this.
So I’ve decided my version of this is to set a theme for the year, instead of the same list of resolutions. As I think about this, I remember recent conversations I’ve had with the people who are important to me and my decision to accept invitations. I also think about this blog and some of the other steps, albeit small, I’ve taken in the direction of a deliberate life. All of these recollections have something in common. They’ve all brought me joy in some way, in some degree. The actions I’ve taken with various projects have brought me joy through a sense of accomplishment. The invitations have brought me joy through the experience of the event and the people I’ve shared it with. Joy is a choice, I finally get that now.
During my deep and meaningful reflection (smile), I hear two of my sons in the living room. They’re playing video games. Then, I guess when the game is finished; one of them says they should go play basketball. So they shut off the game, get their socks and shoes, pick up the ball and go. Just like that. No thought. No planning. They just go. Then it hits me – duh! It’s so simple. Being spontaneous is a big part of making joy in one’s life. Gee, like accepting invitations without thinking about it…
I generally get stuck in the planning, of everything. To the point where I plan things to death and end up doing very little. I wait for the perfect time, which rarely comes. Or when I’m not tired. Or tomorrow… I’m not suggesting that planning things to some degree isn’t a good thing, but when the planning takes over the doing, it’s gone too far.
So, I’ve decided that my theme for this year is “Joy & Spontaneity”. Whatever that means at the time: bouncing on my trampoline, working on the writing course I’ve been trying to finish for longer than I care to admit, taking a walk, painting my nails purple, really learning how to use my “new” camera that I’ve had for like a year and a half, staring at the trees outside my bedroom window. Whatever I decide will bring me joy.
The thing about choosing joy is that it spills over. When I’m happy, I’m easier to be around, which makes other people feel good and maybe they’re easier for others to be around. This is good.
So I end my article with hopes of success in whatever you’re choosing to do: New Year’s resolutions, intentions, themes or just living in the moment.
Best wishes to you all.
I really like this one... really inspiring!
ReplyDeleteThank you!