Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm back

Photo by: Jennifer Campbell
Jennifer says: For the last week I’ve been in a major “funk”. I don’t know exactly what triggered it but I’m glad it’s over. It seems to have ended as quickly as it began. Thanks to Susan for posting the Monday Quote for me. I couldn’t seem to make myself to anything – beyond dragging myself to my job every day.

During the black days, I kept reading my Angel cards, which had finally arrived. I thought it was really interesting that I kept drawing the same or similar themed cards. Yes, I did shuffle… And no, I don’t base my life on astrology or which way the wind is blowing. Although, I do admit to believing in a higher power. I also believe we manifest a lot of the circumstances in our lives, positive and negative, by our thoughts and actions. I think there are “signs” or influences, whatever you wish to call them, that come along to help us – if we pay attention.

Pre-funk, I was invited out by three friends. Normally I would've made up some excuse to sit home and veg out, my usual routine. "Thanks, but I'm really tired." "I've already got something planned" Whatever generic reason to stay home. But instead, I accepted all three invitations and had a fabulous time on each of them. Two of the invitations were from friends I'd never gone out with. Great conversation, great food, great time. The third outing was with an old friend and involved my first yoga class and my first meal of black beans and rice. Fabulous! So I choose to see these invitations as a sign. It's time for me try new things and meet new people. Become an active participant in the life I feel like I've been missing.

Given that I kept drawing, and continue to draw, cards along the lines of positive major life changes, I choose to take that as a sign too. Just as this blog is a starting point for my writing and photography, kind of another sign that the timing is right. So I’ve decided to accept all of the invitations that come my way, unless it’s something I know I absolutely do not want to do. I’ve also decided to take better care of myself and try new things. And I’m going to open a “store” on I’ve been talking about trying to sell my photos, and other things I make, online for over a year. So I have been reading how to set up on that site and decided on a name: Jenn’s Photos & Crafts. I still have to learn how to use Pay Pal and a few other details, but I’m doing it!
I guess I can describe the last week as finding the light at the end of the tunnel. Sorry to be so cliché, but there it is.


  1. We have all been there at some time or another in our life and certainly can relate!



  2. I am happy to see that you found light at the end of your tunnel.
