Thursday, October 29, 2009
Our Story for Today
An encouraging start
Monday, October 26, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Getting Past The Blank Page
Jennifer writes: I’m currently reading a book called “the WAR of ART” by Steven Pressfield. I love books! This particular book was written mainly for writers and artists, but I think the main focus is applicable to many situations that have a person scratching their head in frustration, wondering where to begin.
The book is a compilation of short essays based on the author’s thought within a theme for each section in the book. An easy read that reminds me of a thought for the day relevant to the type of life I’m trying to create for myself.
What’s the difference between a professional and one who has a hobby? The professional works at his craft every day; inspired or not, yielding “success” or not, producing the masterpiece or not. This is the main focus of the book, at least for me.
No excuses, no waiting for inspiration – just do it. I want to be a writer, so I face the blank page and write. Write anything: random words, thoughts, just fill the page and eventually it’ll make sense. It doesn’t need to be perfect; it just needs to be done.
Pressfield also writes that “Creative work is a gift to the world… Don’t cheat us of your contribution.” For me, this means to stop worrying if everyone else will think my work is brilliant. And if it’s not, then it’s not worth writing. Who is “everyone” anyway? It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I’ve made the effort.
I think this is so important, to any venture: writing, painting, even beginning a new health program. Don’t wait for the perfect time because it’ll never come. Don’t expect a masterpiece and don’t expect everyone’s admiration or approval. You don’t need it. What you do need is to make a commitment, today, to begin. And to spend time every day doing a little more and a little more. Success will come.
So right now, on this once blank page, I commit to my craft. I will write.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Angel Card Express
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday's Quote
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
What's Your Best?
Jennifer says: “Success is working hard, living right, dreaming big, and being the best we can be.” A. Tennille
I find that quote so inspiring, for many different reasons. First, to me it implies that success isn’t the finish line, but instead it’s a lifelong process. Something to strive for and then something to maintain. For me, breaking the sentence down into each component really makes me think about the kind of life I want to strive for and the goals I have set for myself.
Working hard: I don’t think that necessarily means working physically hard. Although, I’m not condoning laziness here. My feeling is that God, The Source, The Universe - whatever your belief is, put all of us here with unique talents and strengths. The trick is to figure out what those are. I’ve finally figured out mine. But I don’t think I’m working hard at them, or at least not as hard as I could be. And that’s the thing, working hard at our unique talents, our calling. When we work at what we’re meant to do, then it really isn’t working hard. If we were to follow our calling, I’m sure we’d be happier and more productive individuals. At least, I’m sure the majority of us would be.
Living right: For me this also can be broken down. The first thing that comes to mind is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. I’m a strong believer in “what goes around comes around”. I may not always succeed and others may not agree, but I try to be honest and fair with people. And I hope they treat me in the same way, although I don’t think always it works out this way.
I think the other part of living right is taking care of oneself physically and emotionally. Treating yourself well and with respect, keeping yourself in good health. I’ve read so many times that if we do not treat ourselves well, how can we expect anyone one else to? Makes sense.
Dreaming big: Beyond the huge bank accounts, what do you dream for? Your own house with a nice yard filled with flowers and fruit trees? Exciting adventures traveling the world? Running your own business? Without big dreams, it’s unlikely to have big accomplishments. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Even if you don’t have a clue how to make your dreams happen, don’t give them up. Giving up means staying in the rut and what’s the point of that?
Being the best we can be: I think this encompasses all of the three points: working hard – at what we are meant to do, living right – treating ourselves and others well and dreaming big – not settling for less.
If we were all striving to be the best we could be, imagine what accomplishments we could make! And how much happier we’d be… Now that’s my idea of success!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Monday's Quote
Friday, October 9, 2009
Date with James or is it…Destiny?
Susan writes: I have been working on creating my perfect life since 2002. I know that sounds absurd; I have been alive since 1964. But looking back, I have to say that it was around 2002 that I woke up – I gradually became aware that my life was in my own hands, I was completely responsible for what was showing up in my life and I can create, literally, whatever I want. The total awareness of that , the complete acceptance of it didn’t happen overnight. In fact, I’m still working on it. It
is a process. For some it is a long one. For me, well, so far about seven years! I have created lots of great things, by intention, over these last seven years, and I will talk about them soon enough. But this story I am going to tell you now continues to raise the hair on my arms every time I think of it.
Earlier this year I had finished reading Wayne Dyer’s “Manifesting Your Destiny” and was practicing the morning meditations. It is quite a wonderful practice, that sitting there in the quiet of the early morning meditating. It took effort. I am not naturally a morning person. But I was persevering and enjoying the process.
At the same time, I had been planning a surprise trip to Europe with my daughter for later in the summer. I was having a great time choosing our activities, routes and lodging online. One night in my searching I happened across some video

So the next morning, in my meditation, I set my intention – I’m going to meet James McAvoy when I’m in London – and then I carried on. I didn’t dwell on it at all. In fact, the day wore on, and turned into many days and I actually sort of forgot about this intention that I had set – this request I had sent out to the universe.
Then we got to Europe, we had a fabulous time, we visited five countries and the last one was England. London. We were staying with a friend, who reminded me that in a phone conversation, I had requested she set up a meeting with James. We had a few laughs over it and continued to have a great time in London, not giving James much more thought. Our last day arrived, we bade my friend farewell and we headed off to the airport. We got through security and I spotted the FCUK shop where I’d meant to get a favorite fragrance for a long time (we don’t have FCUK in the country where I live). I went up to the store employee, asked for the fragrance but they didn’t have it. He pointed to the end of the terminal to a drug store. He said I should check there, they should have it. I went down to the drug store, in search of the fragrance. I later found out that the drug store doesn’t even carry perfume, but it didn’t matter because I had to go to that drug store. I walked into the store, I rounded the corner and there was James, standing before me big as life, waiting at the counter to see the pharmacist about some prescription (just like a regular person). Our eyes met. All the forces in the universe had been set into motion, right up to the FCUK employee telling me to go down to the drug store for the fragrance, because I had to meet James McAvoy before I left London.
Well, the unfortunate part of the story is that I totally choked. I will always regret that I didn’t rush up to meet him, shake his hand and whip out my camera. Instead, my knees buckled, my throat went completely dry and I was overcome with the desire to protect his privacy. Besides, I wasn’t expecting this to happen quite like this, so I didn’t have my speech prepared. I stood right next to him in line, however (waiting to hear that the drug store doesn’t carry perfume) – I even heard him speak in his wonderful Scottish way, albeit not to me…and then my daughter and I stalked him for a full 10 minutes through the airport until he was lost in the crowd. Of course I spent the next 24 hours intensely going over the speech in my head that I would have delivered and will deliver next time!
But the beautiful part of this story is that he was there. Because I had ordered it. I mean, what are the odds? On a planet of 6 billion people, the one person in the world I request to show up while in London actually appears in the airport there on my way home? I guess you can imagine that I am feeling pretty powerful now.
This simple little story really illustrates to me the calm truth that I create my reality and it can be whatever I want. There are many lessons in it – we’ll talk about those later. But for now, I will just content myself with my goose bumps.
And James, brace yourself! I will not be too shy to introduce myself the next time we meet. My name is Susan! So be ready to shake my hand!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Off the beaten path
Jennifer writes: I decided to call my quest, “off the beaten path” because to me, that's what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to create my own path. Of course, I’ve been trying to create my own path for years. Each time I tell myself, “OK, this time it’s gonna work. It’s my time now.”
I was explaining this to a new friend a few nights ago, how I’ve been dreaming of being a successful freelance photographer / writer for most of my life. How I build up all this momentum, make plans and never quite make it. Somewhere between research, plan and follow through, I get stuck. She used the phrase, “you fizzle yourself out.” And that’s exactly right. I fizzle myself out. I think if I can figure out why and move past that, I’ll be on my way.
So what is the “beaten path” anyway? To me, it’s like watching an endless line of expressionless drones, worker ants, trod along a dirt road to their deaths. Finish school, get a job, get married, have kids, get into debt to lock you into the crappy job…go through the motions and die. Don’t veer off the path, it’s what our parents did, and their parents did. It’s what’s expected, it’s the responsible thing to do.
I see myself in the middle of this endless line, being dragged along caught in a current. For years, literally, I’ve been trying to push my way to the outside of the line. Carefully making plans to dodge the bodies and make a break for it. Machete in hand, ready to cut my own path through the woods. Sometimes I make it close to the outside, but I have never quite made it to the edge.
Fears, procrastination, perfectionism, lack of confidence… all these things throw me right back into the center lane. The voice in my head says “Stay on the job, you’ve got kids to take care of, bills, obligations”…even though it’s sucking my life force right out of me.
But I don’t give up; I keep on trying to get off that familiar path so I can create my own way. So what’s different this time? An audience, hopefully reading the creation of my own existence, my own deliberate creation. Maybe by putting it all “out there” and the accountability of having to write about it, report about it, will keep me moving. After all, no one wants a public fizzle…