Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What's Your Best?

Jennifer says: “Success is working hard, living right, dreaming big, and being the best we can be.” A. Tennille

I find that quote so inspiring, for many different reasons. First, to me it implies that success isn’t the finish line, but instead it’s a lifelong process. Something to strive for and then something to maintain. For me, breaking the sentence down into each component really makes me think about the kind of life I want to strive for and the goals I have set for myself.

Working hard: I don’t think that necessarily means working physically hard. Although, I’m not condoning laziness here. My feeling is that God, The Source, The Universe - whatever your belief is, put all of us here with unique talents and strengths. The trick is to figure out what those are. I’ve finally figured out mine. But I don’t think I’m working hard at them, or at least not as hard as I could be. And that’s the thing, working hard at our unique talents, our calling. When we work at what we’re meant to do, then it really isn’t working hard. If we were to follow our calling, I’m sure we’d be happier and more productive individuals. At least, I’m sure the majority of us would be.

Living right: For me this also can be broken down. The first thing that comes to mind is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. I’m a strong believer in “what goes around comes around”. I may not always succeed and others may not agree, but I try to be honest and fair with people. And I hope they treat me in the same way, although I don’t think always it works out this way.

I think the other part of living right is taking care of oneself physically and emotionally. Treating yourself well and with respect, keeping yourself in good health. I’ve read so many times that if we do not treat ourselves well, how can we expect anyone one else to? Makes sense.

Dreaming big: Beyond the huge bank accounts, what do you dream for? Your own house with a nice yard filled with flowers and fruit trees? Exciting adventures traveling the world? Running your own business? Without big dreams, it’s unlikely to have big accomplishments. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Even if you don’t have a clue how to make your dreams happen, don’t give them up. Giving up means staying in the rut and what’s the point of that?

Being the best we can be: I think this encompasses all of the three points: working hard – at what we are meant to do, living right – treating ourselves and others well and dreaming big – not settling for less.

If we were all striving to be the best we could be, imagine what accomplishments we could make! And how much happier we’d be… Now that’s my idea of success!

1 comment:

  1. Believe in yourself and if you believe in what you are really writing you will be successful.... You rock ladies...!!!!!!
